After defining thresholds for the transactions we playback, we can receive alert events when the performance problem happens and take actions to fix it before it is experienced by real end users. 当为我们回放的事务定义好阈值后,我们就可以在出现性能问题时收到警告事件,并在问题影响到真实的最终用户之前采取修复措施。
The system can respond with a variety of policy-based actions, including generating an alert and blocking the transaction in real time. 系统可以根据策略做出各种反应,包括生成警告和实时地阻止事务。
History is required if you need to run reports, watch events or monitor events, actions, filters or data in real time through user-defined charts. 如果您需要通过用户自定义的图表实时地运行报告、监控事件、动作、过滤器或数据,则需要启用历史记录。
Someone, it seems, was snooping on the home of Benedict Cumberbatch, who plays a contemporary version of Arthur Conan Doyles sleuth in the hit TV series Sherlock, and documenting his actions in real time on a social networking site. 演员本尼迪克特康伯巴奇在根据柯南道尔小说改编的热门英剧《神探夏洛克》中扮演现代版福尔摩斯,而在生活中,似乎有人在窥探他的家,并把他的一举一动都在社交网站上记录了下来。
Yet I have found that serious entrepreneurs usually go way beyond these platitudes in their actions and thinking, and often wont volunteer their real views, for fear of alienating regular people, and being branded a fanatic. 然而我发现,那些真心想有所建树的创业者经常与这些老生常谈相去甚远,并且出于对被普通人疏远和被贴上狂热分子标签的恐惧,他们往往不会践行他们真正的想法。
I know this is a long line, Obama reportedly told the crowd, apologizing for his actions. I feel real bad, but& Im gonna cut. 报道称,奥巴马为自己的插队行为向顾客道歉称:我知道你们排了很长时间的队,我很抱歉,但是我不得不插队。
But they fear a backlash against more intrusive actions, such as the real time tracking of their smartphones. 但他们担心,实时跟踪客户智能手机这类更具侵入性的操作会招致反弹。
We implement a system to automatically recognize ten different types of actions, and the system has been tested on real human action videos in two cases. 我们建立一个可以自动地辨识出十种不同动作的系统,这个系统分成两种情况对人类动作影片作测试。
Yet concepts such as "peaceful rise" or "development" have to come to life through policies and actions concerned with real problems and opportunities. 然而,“和平崛起”或“和平发展”等概念,必须通过与现实问题和机遇相关的政策和行动得到体现。
The utility model can be used for simulating various shipping actions of a real ship, and is suitable for various amusement and competitions. 可以模拟真船的各种运行动作,适用于各种娱乐和比赛。
When virtual objects and actions in an application are metaphors for objects and actions in the real world, users quickly grasp how to use the app. 在一个应用程序中,虚拟对象和动作被当作现实世界中的对象和动作。用户快速领悟怎么样使用程序。
What sorts of proactive, positive-thinking, responsible actions can we take without just blindfolding ourselves and ignoring whatever real risks that might be there? 而不只是去遮住自己的双眼,并忽略任何可能的实际风险。
There are no essential differences between the economic actions in the laboratory and those in the real world. 实验室中表现出的经济行动与现实经济中的经济行动并无本质差别。
No, let us devote our life to worthwhile actions and feeling to great thoughts, real affections and enduring undertaking. 不,让我们献身于有价值的行为及情感、伟大的思考、真诚的爱与不朽的事业。
The study on aesthetic measure in the past years mainly focused on the aesthetic and artistic actions and drew conclusions far from the real aesthetic context. 摘要既往的审美尺度研究,较多地将其局限于审美与艺术活动本身做架空推论,而与现实审美情境相去甚远。
Tip: Be ready with an example of a time when you weren't afraid to go out on a limb and your actions helped bring about real change. 提示:用过去一个你不怕成为孤家寡人并且帮助带来真正改变的时期来准备一个例子。
No matter how great you are online, it's your actions in real life that count. 不管你在网上多么风光,你在现实生活中的表现才有价值。
Abstract: The housing environment construction has placed emphasis on the quality of residential environment, and some actions have been headed in this direction between housing construction and real estate development. 人居环境建设倡导对居住品质的关怀与重视,在住宅建设和地产开发中已初见端倪。
Both actions should lower real ( inflation-adjusted) interest rates. 二者都会降低真实(消除通胀因素)利率。
The coupling effect of mechanical loads and environmental actions is a real service state of concrete. 建筑物真实的服役状态是承受的荷载与环境的同时作用。
This thesis uses the analysis of value chain as the tool to decompose the making value's process to a series different but correlative economic actions, and thus to find the real making value actions. 本论文就是以价值链分析为工具,将企业创造价值的过程分解为一系列互不相同但又互相关联的经济活动,找出那些真正创造价值的经营活动。
The principle of efficiency is understood to strictly seek high effeciency as a target and measure all actions by efficiency in real life. 效率原则,就是在实际生活中,严格地以追求高效率为目标,一切行动以高效率作为衡量的标准。
It can check the violation of policy in file system according to file integrity policies specified by users, take actions to recover files in real time and, thus, maintain file system integrity. 该系统能够根据用户制定的文件保护策略检查文件系统中违反策略的行为,采取相应的保护措施进行文件的实时恢复,进而维护文件系统的完整性。
Furthermore this paper researches the implementation methods for real time system responses including the real time inspection on user actions and the real time instructing in maintenance process. 基于该方法,本文探讨了对系统用户维修操作进行监视和指导的实时响应技术。
Whether the limitation of actions can apply to the right of the real claim is a controversial problem in our country. 物权请求权作为一项对物权进行救济的请求权是否要受诉讼时效的调整,在我国学界一直是一个争论不休的问题。
The classical intelligent planning request the initial world knowledge is complete, the effects of actions are definite, but in the real world the information of the initial world is not completely, and it is often indefinite. 经典智能规划要求智能体对规划世界的知识是完全的,规划过程中动作的效果是确定的,但现实世界中得到的信息往往是不完全、不确定的。
Therefore build brands, enhance the brand has become a real estate brokerage firms in many visionary ideas and actions, brand building and shaping the real estate brokerage firms have been some large important means of development. 因此,打造品牌、提升品牌已成为许多有远见的房产经纪公司的理念和行动,品牌的建立和塑造已经是一些大型房产经纪公司发展的重要手段。
By combining the human detection and tracking methods, human actions in a video can be recognized in real time. 该方法结合了人体检测和跟踪技术,实现了对视频中的每个人体行为的实时检测和识别。
To verify the actions of stochastic real time systems, model checking can be used. 为验证实时随机系统的行为是否满足一定性质的要求,可以采用模型检测的方法。
As a public interest entity, there are a number of stakeholders in the financial industry, such actions would seriously damage the real economy, and even result in systemic risk. 由于金融业作为一个公众利益实体,利益相关者众多,这样的行为会严重损害实体经济,甚至会造成系统性风险。